My two Year Blogiversary!

My blog turns two today!

I really hope it doesn’t go through a phase of awful twos…

I just discovered that WordPress didn’t release an annual report with stats like they did last year – ah well, it’s probably just as well because I’m trying to get away from all the numbers. It just breeds comparisons – we’re all here to blog and oogle at makeup, amirite?

But, I would like to list the messages that were the most popular on the blog that were posted in 2016:

MAC finally totally free Lipstick

Essie Gel Couture Pinned Up & top Coat

Japanese makeup Haul!

I purchased a few things off AliExpress

MAC Masterclass Oval 6 Brush

If you asked me to guess which were my many popular messages without taking a look at the stats, I would maybe guess 2 of these correctly!  It’s so fascinating to me what messages turn out to be the most popular – there’s no science behind this, that’s for sure! My blog grew by much more than 3x in page views from last year, which amazed me – I thought it would be 2x because it was the 2nd year. A big portion of my site hits were from strangers finding my blog through searches – pretty neat.

And here are some highlights relating to the blog from 2016:

• Improved my photography (got a new video camera and added lighting) – they’re subtle differences but just taking a look at my trash stash messages from January vs December, it’s noticeable. Here’s January 2016:

Dang, I used up a lot in January!
And here’s December 2016:

It’s brighter and the image is much more crisp.

• got my own domain / upgraded to Premium: besides not having the “” after “stashmatters” there weren’t that numerous enhancements in the switch. I got to choose my own font. and got much more storage space.

• Engaged brands: most notably I was approached my MUJI to attend a few of their open houses. They’re such a great brand and amazing to work with!

I did a total of 3 brand engagements last year and that was a great start for me.

• expand topics: I posted a few messages on my travels, which were well-received.

• much more active on social media activities: I made a concerted effort to post on Instagram regularly. And, I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of Twitter from all the Twitter parties!  Which brings me to…

• charm Podcast: I became Robin to Cat’s Batman over at the MyLipAddiction charm Podcast! I’m really digging the tights and cape. cat said it was mandatory attire.

• met much more bloggers! this was unplanned but a good side effect to being much more “out there” this year.

When I review my goals from last year, I actually achieved everything I set out to do!

And because I’m goal oriented, here are much more things I’d like to accomplish in 2017 on the blog:

• organize header / menu: I’ve been putting off doing this because I can’t decide the categories that ought to go up there. I might revamp the blog layout – might – but I don’t want to pay too much for a theme.

• Do a bunch of Megaposts. I did one in 2015 (Illamasqua nail Varnish Megapost) and have been implying to do more.

Top of the list: Essie polish collection (and other brands), eye shadow collection by brand (or colour family?), blush swatches, brand focus… these take time and I’m going to put much more effort into them.

• work that Pinterest. I’m going to retroactively pin all my photos on Pinterest. have you discovered when you do an image search, the majority of the results are from Pinterest? It makes sense to get exposure there.

• attend a charm Event. Kan være? I am still uncertain about this! I like being behind-the-scenes / low essential but these events seem like fun. and they often serve food. and typically it’s breakfast. You know I’m a sucker for breakfast foods.

• continue to expand topics. I discussed that I’d post much more about fashion and crafts last year but I didn’t do much of those. I’ve got a few knitting products on the go best now, and I plan to post about them.

This blog is a fun hobby for me, but interacting with all of you have made it much much more than just some online place for me to post about makeup. I still can’t believe that real, off-line friendships have formed through blogging about eye shadows and facial oils – it’s a bit crazy to ponder, isn’t it! So thank you, thank YOU, for reading and commenting. It’s been just “tremendous”. XD.

Here are my social media if you haven’t connected with me yet:

You’ll want to keep your eyes peeled here since I’m one of those people who like to express thanks through giving stuff away – it’s just how I am, ok? I’m just waiting for a Sephora order.  *shakes fist at slow delivery*

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