My Lips and Eyes Glaze Over Topshop’s sheer Glaze Lipgloss

“Mmmmmm. Glaze.”

I mumbled that out loud while standing in line at Starbucks the other day, and with a slightly sleazy enthusiasm that would have made Homer Simpson proud. I was just staring off into space, thinking about Topshop’s three new Glaze lipgloss colors ($12 each).


I’m normally pretty good about keeping my inner voice, well, inside, but Glaze’s creamy finish, non-sticky texture and NOM-worthy vanilla flavor and scent (both fade after about 5 minutes) got the better of me. The gentleman standing in front of me turned around in line, raised an eyebrow and said, “Excuse me?”

I had no reply, except to smile nervously until he looked away.

Topshop, a British clothing retailer, also has a line of makeup, available exclusively at their stores and online, and along with their permanent collection products for eyes, face, lips and nails, they have some seasonal releases, too.


Katter og sminke -sweatshirt ??

42 dollar

Handle nå

The Glazes live in Topshop’s permanent line, and these three new shades bring the color selection to five. I hope the company makes a decision to add more, because from what I’ve seen so far, I think these are kinda great.

Laid Back (top) and Bubblegum (bottom)

Bubblegum (left) and Laid Back (right)

Bubblegum (left) and Laid Back (right)

Bubblegum on lips

Laid Back on lips

They remind me of less expensive, longer-lasting versions of MAC’s Cremesheen Glasses ($18 each) that feel slightly thicker on my lips.

Like the MAC Cremsheen Glasses, the Glazes lend a whisper of creamy color and a kiss of soft shine. If you’re deep in the throes of a sheer lipgloss love affair like I am ideal now, consider Laid Back (a reddish coral) and Bubblegum (a warm pink with subtle golden pearl). They’re the two colors I’ve tried. Both are quite sheer, though, so gals who want for intense pigmentation might want to pass.

While they don’t make it through a meal, both of them seem to stick around for about four hours on me — twice as long as a Cremesheen Glass.

I only wish these were much easier to find. There is a store here in the us (New York) that carries them, but that indicates online ordering and shipping fees. Topshop normally charges a flat $10 for shipping, which substantially adds to the price, but ordering a lot more than one tube at a time somewhat softens the blow.

If you’re interested in the Glazes, this might be a good time to act, as Topshop’s using complimentary shipping on all orders for a limited time. Ikke verst.

These Glazes deliver an easy-to-wear, low-maintenance lip look that’s just best for summer. If you long for a creamy gloss that you can just whip out for touch-ups without a mirror, the inexpensive Glazes must sweeten your days.

PRICE: $12 each
Tilgjengelighet: tilgjengelig nå i Topshop -butikker og også online
MAKEUP and appeal blog RATING: A (I only wish they were a lot more readily available)

Denial: ’tis not just a river in Egypt


I’ve been living in complete game of Thrones denial this week. I had to enjoy the last episode again, and again found myself saying, “This can’t be happening!” på slutten.

I don’t know if I’m a lot more pleased by how courageous the writers were for doing what they did (NOOOO!), or mad as hell.


In somewhat related news, I received a message by raven this morning from Tabs in which he informed me of his allegiance to the house of Baratheon. He now demands gravy tribute and that I hang the proper banners from his cat tower by nightfall.

Din vennlige appellavhengig i nabolaget,


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