Makeup og Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 300

The makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll for December 2, 2013

Du lurer kanskje på, “så hva er det i mandag, meningsmåling, uansett?”

Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. Det er mer bare en stadig utviklende (devolving?), Noe tilfeldig liste over spørsmål jeg har satt til leserne hver mandag morgen de siste seks årene. Jeg har alltid hatt glede av å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, og jeg håper du liker å lese min.

Plaid shirts: yea or nay?
JIPPI! What’s not to love? They’re warm, you can get away with not ironing them, and they look cute with hoop earrings. I came of age in the ’90s, also known as “The era When Plaid shirts Ruled!” but unlike with overalls, I’m glad to see plaid make a comeback.

What’s one thing you hate sharing?
Honestly…dessert. It drives me nuts when I go to a restaurant and someone assumes that I’ll split dessert with them. I’m like, hello! — I purposefully ate a lighter main meal so that I could splurge on dessert, and now I’m not gonna share you. get your own damned pie!

What do you try hard to avoid?
Konflikt. I don’t like fighting with people, or when people around me are fighting.

Kan du tegne?
You might think that with my single semester of rigorous eighth-grade art training, I’d be able to draw like da Vinci, but no, not really. I can draw little things, like simple sketches of flowers and cartoony shapes, but nothing too complicated.

Would you ever date someone 10 years younger?
I don’t know. let me check with my husband, LOL!


But seriously, yes, if they 1) were mature beyond their years and 2) loved cats. Tabs and I are a package deal.

If you could invent a beauty product that would make your life easier, what would it be?
A shampoo and conditioner that would allow my hair to air dry into perfectly curled loose waves.

What were you like as a child?
Weird-looking and very, very shy. and obsessed with hello Kitty.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

When was the last time you braided your hair?
I går. When in doubt…side braid that sh*t!

What are your favorite colors to wear on your eyes?
Golds, golden browns, purples and greens.

What book are you reading at the moment?
I’m re-reading Angelfall, by Susan Ee, because the sequel just came out, and I wanted the last book to be fresh in my mind before diving into the new one. Gjør du det noen gang?

Nå er det din tur. Bare kopier og lim inn følgende spørsmål til en kommentar med svarene dine. Jeg gleder meg til å lese dem!

1. Plaid shirts: yea or nay?
2. What’s one thing you hate sharing?
3. What do you try hard to avoid?
4. Can you draw?
5. would you ever date someone 10 years younger?
6. If you could invent a beauty product that would make your life easier, what would it be?
7. What were you like as a child?
8. When was the last time you braided your hair?
9. What are your favorite colors to wear on your eyes?
10. What book are you reading at the moment?

Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,



P.S. The walking Dead mid-season finale!? WTH!? Hvorfor…? All I have to say is I’m glad I was wearing waterproof mascara.

P.P.S. I just realized that this is the three hundredth installment of the Monday Poll (vol. 300).

Wow, that’s a lot of questions. I wonder how many times I’ve repeated myself. See, that’s the beauty of memory — forgetting when you’ve forgotten things, haha!

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