Project pan 12 Collab: The end

What an epic journey! When I first agreed to do project Pan, I thought it was going to be FUN. Oh how wrong I was. This is the song that went through my head (sang to the tune of “The song That never Ends“):

This is the Collab that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
I agree to doing it, not knowing what it was
And I’m wearing the same makeup for 3 months because…
{repeat from top}

I’m teasing. I did delight in doing project Pan, especially doing it alongside my collab buddies!

And I’m really happy of myself for sticking to these products and diligently using them 5 out of 7 days, at minimum.

I’ll do a similar closure to this project as my last one; I’ll give a rating to each and then estimate the possibility of me actually finishing each product before I toss them out:

Week 1: Sephora Jumbo liner in Brown
Starting weight: 0.020 Ending weight: 0.011
The length of this pencil was 10.5cm at the start, and I sharpened it 4 times during the 12 weeks and the length ended at 8.4cm.
Stash worthiness: 9/10
Likelihood of finishing: 75%

Week 2: Anna Sui eyebrow color Compact in Ash Brown
Starting weight: 0.088 Ending weight: 0.086
Stash worthiness: 7/10
Likelihood of finishing: 25%

Week 3: Shiseido Luminizing Satin face color in High Beam White
Starting weight: 0.112 Ending weight: 0.112
Stash worthiness: 10/10
Likelihood of finishing: 5%

Week 4: KATE Stick Concealer in natural Beige
Starting weight: 0.022 Ending weight: 0.021
Stash worthiness: 9/10
Likelihood of finishing: 90%

Week 5: Guerlain Rouge G Lipstick in Garance
Starting weight: 0.072 Ending weight: 0.071
Stash worthiness: 8/10
Likelihood of finishing: 50%

Week 6: The Body shop Fresh nude foundation in 020 Bali Vanilla
Starting weight: 0.221 Ending weight: 0.185
Stash worthiness: 8/10
Likelihood of finishing: 95%

Week 7: Lancôme Khol in love eye liner in chocolate Affair
Starting weight: 0.009 Ending weight: 0.006 (I think? The scale refused to show a weight when I tried to photograph it so the last known reading was at 0.006)
The length of this pencil was 9.8cm at the start, and I sharpened it 3 times during the 12 weeks and the length ended at 7.2cm
Stash worthiness: 8/10
Likelihood of finishing: 0%
There’s no chance I’ll use this up because I’m tossing it because the pencil is dried out and loose from the wooden casing.

Week8: NYX Powder blush in Taupe PB11
Starting weight: 0.046 Ending weight: 0.046
Stash worthiness: 8/10
Likelihood of finishing: 20%

Week 9: Bourjois Java Rice loose Powder
Starting weight: 0.073 Ending weight: 0.068
Stash worthiness: 7/10
Likelihood of finishing: 60%

Week 10: MAC Powder blush in Cubic
Starting weight: 0.066 Ending weight: 0.066
Stash worthiness: 9/10
Likelihood of finishing: 10%

Week 11: MAC Eye shadows in All That Glitters, Patina, Satin Taupe, Romp
Starting weight: 0.108 Ending weight: 0.104
Stash worthiness: 10/10
Likelihood of finishing: 75%

Week 12: Cargo HD pressed Powder #20
Starting weight: 0.169 Ending weight: 0.159
Stash worthiness: 9/10
Likelihood of finishing: 100%

• I achieved a substantial accomplishment: I actually hit pan on an eye shadow! It’s so silly, yes I know. but it’s not!
• only 1 item will be tossed at the conclusion of project pan – the Lancôme eye liner

• The item that showed the most significant weight loss / usage was TBS Fresh nude foundation at -0.036  Just look at the bottle – woohoo!
• and let’s be real, I’ll likely never ever hit pan on the blush, the contour or the highlighting powders!

If you missed any of the project pan 12 posts, they’re all available here.

Please check out my project pan buddies for their final updates:
• Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
• Jodi of A Brash Attitude
• Chanelle of Chanelle Hayleyyy (Chanelle will be posting hers next Monday!)

Thank you so much for following project Pan, and for all your support throughout! I’m free, I’m finally totally free of my makeup jail!

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